The following is what can happen when you eat way too much at a family gathering.

Or maybe acting goofy in front of a camera is a universal thing.
You decide!


Grandma Cutie & Greg. Someone get her pills...




I don't get it! Every 8 years this happens!


Stop takin' my picture!


And don't spend over $50 on me!


You say she's one of mine. Then who's the blond kid?


Church, steeple, people. I don't get it...


Not my best view ThankYouVeryMuch!!


Think...Coffee. Coffee! COFFEEEE!


We're glad we could share yet another year

with Mom, Grandma Cutie, Norma, Sis...

and each other.





Copywrite 2000. The pictures and information contained on the pages within this website are the property of the Kipperts.
It is not to be downloaded or used by anyone other than members of this family.
All pictures are protected with a digital watermark and can be traced.